Great Presentation Coaching

This coaching ensures that you work with the key underlying challenges you face when stepping up in front of an audience. We also design a bespoke process for you to follow for each time, so you deliver a persuasive, confidence presentation.

For experienced speakers

You give presentations or talks often enough that you want to improve your skills and confidence in both your delivery and content creation.

We’ll agree on a series of coaching sessions, practice in each session and ensure your presentations feel easeful and clear.

For beginners

You get exceptionally nervous when you’re asked to speak or present, and this is inhibiting your career growth.

We’ll work on practical presentation tips and develop your confidence and on-stage presence. Here I use my Integral Coaching skills to understand your underlying concerns about speaking in front of an audience.

It has been an absolute pleasure working with Carryn to build my public speaking skill and confidence. Her knowledge and guidance have been invaluable in helping me with anxiety, structuring my content, and learning about better delivery. I highly recommend Carryn as speaker coach to anyone who is just starting out, or would like to work on the finer touches.

Annalinde Singh

Agile Team Coach

Communicate with confidence

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