The key benefits of working with me

I bring a unique skill set to the art of presentation by blending my practical presentation knowledge and articulate communication with my abilities as an Integral Coach. I spend as much time gathering information on your business and message as I do guiding you through a personalised journey to deliver your talk successfully. These unique insights, added to coaching, take you beyond a presentation.

No one likes giving a bad presentation, and no one likes sitting through one. Bad presentations cost your company way more than just time and money; they cost organisational culture and employee engagement. 

Outcomes you can expect

Key Account Manager/

Product Managers

Structured, targeted presentations 

Stage presence and confidence 

Ability to share relevant insights

Sales Team members 

Persuasive language 

Client engagement techniques 

Confidence to close the deal

Senior Executives

Audience specific messaging 

Gravitas and persuasive language 

Greater influence and presence with their team.

Keynote speakers

Direct, actionable feedback to ensure your message lands 

Rehearsal to ensure your delivery is aligned with your message

Want some more details?

Take a look at these case studies



Read how a startup CEO pitched to a global investment panel to secure Series B investment and a place in a global community of practice. 

Presentation Skills Training

Learn how a multinational consumer research agency upskilled their team and increased client engagement and satisfaction.

Executive Communication Coaching

Understand how a finance executive became a confident public speaker and inspired their team. 

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